As Head of School at Milford Junior School, I would very much like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our school and to thank you for choosing us to be the next step in your child's learning. On this page you will find out some basic information about our school, key members of staff and useful links to help you to navigate our website.
Milford Junior School is part of Huish Academy Trust, a group of three schools across Yeovil working together to give your child the best possible education.
Mrs Laverty
There are over 50 adults working at Milford Junior School, but there are several key members of staff with whom you are likely to have communication with during this academic year.
Mr Heath: CEO
Mrs Laverty: Head of School
Mr Millard: Deputy Head of School
Mr Hancock: Special Needs Coordinator (SENCo)
Mrs Bews: Assistant Head for Years 3 & 4
Mrs Cousins: Office Manager
Mrs Upsher: Admin Officer
Miss Granger: Admin Officer
Mr North: Class Teacher
Mrs Douglas: Class Teacher
Mrs Nelson-Rye: Class Teacher
Miss Verhoest: Class Teacher