Aims of the School

We aim to provide a safe, caring, happy and well-ordered environment where everyone's contribution is valued, and all members of our school community develop their full potential.

Here at the Huish Academy Trust, we have 6 overarching pillars, and they affect everything we do.

High Expectations

We believe that it is wrong to set a ceiling on learning. All children who are part of the Huish Academy Trust have the right to an education that challenges, excites and motivates them to persevere and work hard at reaching their aspirations. Children are encouraged from a very young age to take pride in what they do, and to persevere when learning is challenging.

Outstanding Teaching

Teachers change lives.  All children will be taught by teachers who will ensure all children are achieving outcomes which enable them to be confident and aspirational citizens. Teaching at the Huish Academy Trust is personalised to fit the needs of all learners, and children and parents are kept informed of progress and next steps. In order to keep our teachers at the forefront of new developments, training and enrichment for teachers, just as it is for students, is an expectation for all.

Excellent Behaviour

Children need to be in a learning environment which fosters a sense of worth and an understanding of how the right attitudes enable us to learn.  Because we teach children what good behaviour looks like, as well as reinforce it in all aspects of their school lives, all learners understand why poor behaviour is not tolerated.

Firm Foundations in English & Maths

The Huish Academy Trust spends on average over 15 hours a week on the mastery of reading, writing and mathematics. Our lessons are inspiring but are underpinned by the understanding that children need to be equipped with the necessary skills to be good readers, writers and mathematicians. This in turn will enable them to develop their skills in every other subject. Our curriculum is rich, exciting and diverse, but most importantly, it is accessible to all because we ensure all children have the skills they need to engage with their learning at every level.


Children learn that self-respect and respect for others is a cornerstone to good relationships.  Embedding self-belief, alongside the ability to listen, take part, and understand that others have a right to their views, is key to becoming a confident, happy citizen.  Respect for their school, and community is an integral part of our vision. Taking pride in themselves, in their work, friends, school and surroundings, enables learners to engage with their world in a confident, thoughtful way.

Digital Literacy

Digital Literacy plays a vital role in supporting a child’s ability to succeed both in school and throughout their lives.  At the Huish Academy Trust , we use technology to enhance Quality First classroom learning, across all classes.  This includes the use of iPads, laptops, programmable robots, etc.  We use technology for a range of testing purposes and results are analysed in order to adapt the curriculum to need.  Children become used to using technology as a tool to help them self-assess understanding, eg AR, MyMaths.  Digital Literacy can also be seen to be separate from computer literacy.  It requires critical thinking skills, an awareness of the necessary standards of behaviour expected in online environments, and an understanding of the shared social issues created by digital technologies

Underpinning this will be:

  • outstanding day-to-day assessment and feedback
  • first-rate systems for tracking, identifying and celebrating children’s progress
  • an exciting, relevant and inspiring curriculum
  • excellent support for the needs of each child

Classrooms will be vibrant, supportive and welcoming. They will be full of children motivated by positive, well-paced and purposeful lessons. And these lessons will be delivered by staff that are passionate about the children’s success.

Every parent/carer will be able to feel proud of their child’s/children’s achievements - and will know exactly what these are. Clear guidance will be given about the best ways to support children with learning out of school.

All of this will be done because the children and their education will matter more than anything else. Every child will have the best possible start.

Milford Junior School is part of the Huish Academy Trust
Huish Academy Trust is a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales.
Registered in England and Wales No: 8756412
Registered Office: Carisbrooke Gardens, Yeovil Somerset BA20 1AY