Design Technology at Milford Junior School
"You design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown."
Norman Foster

Design and technology is a fun, engaging and practical subject that allows children of all ages and abilities to engage with the designed and made world.  They learn how products and systems are designed and manufactured, how to make creative use of a variety of resources, how to critically evaluate and improve their designs and, in doing so, how to improve the world around them.

  • All lessons are planned using skills progressions so year on year pupils can build on prior learning as well as acquiring new skills.
  • We cover a range of product design areas – including food technology, textiles, computing, materials, electronics and construction.
  • Every year group undertakes a projects that allows them to undertake the Design-Make-Evaluate process from start to finish. This encourages children to really think about who they are designing their product for as well as asking them to evaluate how and why their designs changed as well as how to improve them.
Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Mechanical Systems

Levers and linkages

(Super Hero sliders)

Design, Make, Evaluate


Healthy and varied diet including cooking and nutrition requirements for KS2

(Eating seasonally KAPOW)

Investigative, Evaluative Activities


2-D shapes to 3-D product

(Rainforest animal e.g. Posion Dart Frog)

Focussed Tasks (Sewing)


(Pavilions KAPOW)

Investigative, Evaluative Activities

Electrical Systems

Simple circuits and switches including programming and control

(Torches KAPOW)

Design, Make, Evaluate


Healthy and varied diet including cooking and nutrition requirements for KS2

(Adapting a recipe KAPOW)

Focussed Tasks (Chopping)

Mechanical Systems

Pulleys, gears or cams

(Pop up book KAPOW)

Design, Make, Evaluate


Frame structures

(Bridges KAPOW)

Investigative, Evaluative Activities


Celebrating culture and seasonailty including cooking and nutrition requirements for KS2

(Greek food, What could be healthier KAPOW)

Focussed Tasks (Cooking)

Electrical Systems

Using more complex circuits and switches including programming, control and monitoring

(Burglar alarm)

Design, Make, Evaluate


Celebrating culture and seasonailty including cooking and nutrition requirements for KS2

(Chocolate, Come dine with me KAPOW)

Focussed Tasks (Cooking)


Combining different fabric shapes including computer aided design.


Investigative, Evaluative Activities

Milford Junior School is part of the Huish Academy Trust
Huish Academy Trust is a Charitable Company Limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales.
Registered in England and Wales No: 8756412
Registered Office: Carisbrooke Gardens, Yeovil Somerset BA20 1AY